数学クイズ なん度? apk

数学クイズ なん度? for Android

- REQUIRES ANDROID | Published by Gakko Net Inc. on 2024-02-05   | Category: Education

Rating 4.55789 from 190 Votes | $ Free

Whats new in 数学クイズ なん度? v7.21.0

基本から難問まで、さまざまな数学クイズに挑戦しよう! 教育ランキング1位獲得!頭の体操にピッタリ!多数のテレビ番組などでも紹介された人気の脳トレ・数学クイズアプリです。 ◇数学クイズ【 なん度? 】 さまざまな平面図形の角度を求めよう! ステージ1からステージ4までの基本問題を制覇して、難問揃いのファイナルステージに挑戦しよう! ◇数学クイズ【 面積は? 】 さまざまな平面図形の面積を求めよう! ステージ1から6の基本問題、7から9の発展問題をクリアして、難問揃いのファイナルステージに挑戦しよう! ルール) ・色が塗られている部分の面積を求める ・8×8マス、1マスの面積は1 ・Πは円周率(3. 1415…) ◇数学クイズ【 いくつ? 】 数列の「?」に入る数字を考えよう。 ステージ1の基本問題をクリアして、難問揃いのファイナルステージに挑戦しよう! ・補足説明 - 問題が表示されている領域に、指で計算メモを書くことができます - 「?」ボタンを押すと、考え方や基本ルールなどの粗いヒントが表示される(ファイナルステージなど、一部の問題では表示されません)他、SNSやメールに問題画像を添付して友達に質問することができます - 12歳以下の方がご利用の場合、および、学校、学童、塾など、団体が所有する端末でご利用の場合は、App内課金「広告非表示」のご購入をお願い致します ・謝辞 問題作成にあたり、灘、甲陽、筑駒、開成高校卒業の大学生の皆さんにご協力頂きました。御礼申し上げます。 ・サポートサイト 多数の質問を頂きましたので、いくつかの問題についてやや詳しいヒントを掲載しました。合わせてご利用ください。 http://areas. hateblo. jp/ ・開発者への連絡方法 取材、または、不具合などを発見された方は、アプリ内の「お問い合わせ」から、ご連絡ください。.

  • Release date: 2024-02-05
  • Current version: 7.21.0
  • File size: 39.52 MB
  • Developer: Gakko Net Inc.

数学クイズ なん度? 数学クイズ なん度? 数学クイズ なん度? 数学クイズ なん度?

How to setup 数学クイズ なん度? APK:

APK (Android Package Kit) files are the raw files of an Android app. Learn how to install 数学クイズ-なん度.apk file on your phone in 4 Simple Steps:

  1. Download the 数学クイズ-なん度.apk to your device using any of the download mirrors.
  2. Allow 3rd Party (non playstore) apps on your device: Go to Menu » Settings » Security » . Click "Unknown Sources". You will be prompted to allow your browser or file manager to install APKs.
  3. Locate the 数学クイズ-なん度.apk file and click to Install: Read all on-screen prompts and click "Yes" or "No" accordingly.
  4. After installation, the 数学クイズ なん度? app will appear on the home screen of your device.

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Yes. We provide some of the safest Apk download mirrors for getting the 数学クイズ なん度? apk.

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  • Great for geometry students!


    ~ By THelstad

  • Developer steals your money and won’t respond

    BEWARE! The “development” behind this app is practically nonexistent and the people are unethical crooks . The game itself isn’t much. There are three categories: Angles, Areas and Sequences. Every “puzzle” is just a static image of a shape on a grid or a list of numbers and you have to type what you think the angle, area, or next number in the sequence is. This could easily have been a website rather than an app. A very simple website. A mediocre website. The worst part is that the in-app purchases don’t actually do anything. More on that in a minute. First you need to know that this app is just an “advertisement delivery system”. Advertising money is this app’s only raison d’être. The ads are everywhere; at the bottom of the page, every time you start the app. If you swipe away from the app or your screen goes off, the entire app restarts itself to give you a new ad. The volume gets turned up, too. You can’t put your device down for a second without another ad popping up (on top of the ever present banner ads). Go back to a previous screen? Ads! It’s the laziest excuse in the name of “education” and “puzzle game” ever thought up just to pump you for ad money. Just slapped the image on there. “Here. Solve this.” There is an in-app purchase to remove the advertising. $2.99. Pay it and nothing happens. The app remains the same. The ads stay in place. If anything it gets buggier because now certain parts of the app deep in the settings crash when you try to look at your payments or email the developer. Their website is completely in Japanese. I Emailed them anyway. It’s been months and there is still no response.

    ~ By UPSY42q

  • Great

    Nice app

    ~ By Enoch Kandiah

  • Love this game❤️!

    I love this game and how challenging some of the levels are. It helped me study for my angles test. It is also fun with all the colors and you can write on the screen with your finger to solve it! So that makes it much much easier to do the work for the problem. Keep up the great work!

    ~ By Bubba$1234

  • Fun&Challenging but...

    1. The most recent update deleted progress made through the angles problem sets, requiring a restart from the beginning. 2. It would be helpful to allow users to choose more challenging problems, rather than forcing us to progress through the easier sets, which can be excessive and boring. 3. The hints should display geometry theorems so users can better test skills; as is, the hints aren't useful. 4. Overall, I enjoy the problems and find the app a fun way to keep math skills functional to some degree.

    ~ By bapplem

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