A Dance of Fire and Ice is a strict one-button rhythm game. Keep your focus as you guide two orbiting planets down a path without breaking their perfect equilibrium.
It's pretty hard to describe, but you should play the free online version on a desktop computer first if you are not sure if you would enjoy this game!
- More than 20 worlds, each introducing new shapes and rhythms. What do triangles, octagons or squa...
『A Little to the Left: Seeing Stars』の解決方法は一つだけじゃない!家の中をあの手この手で片付けながら、最大100個のスターを回収していこう。たたんだり、はたいたり、こわしたり、くっつけたり、はり付けたり、はずませたり、かさねたり、はじいたり、つぶしたりしながら、新たに登場するたくさんのインタラクティ...
自然豊かな場所へ移り住んで、新たな人生を「開墾」する…数々の賞を取った、終わりなき日常農場系RPGゲーム! 総プレイ時間50時間以上におよぶゲームコンテンツに加え、オートセーブや操作切り替えオプションなどのモバイル向け新要素も追加。
**Golden Joystick の Breakthrough Award受賞**
**BAFTA Games Awards の Game of the Year 2...
AnkiMobile is a mobile companion to Anki, a powerful, intelligent flashcard program that is free, multi-platform, and open-source. Sales of this app support the development of both the computer and mobile version, which is why the app is priced as a computer application.
AnkiMobile was written by the lead developer of Anki and AnkiWeb, and it has been around since 2010. Beware other apps using "Anki" in their name that have s...
Rule based proxy utility client for iPhone/iPad.
- Capture all HTTP/HTTPS/TCP traffic from any applications on your device, and redirect to the proxy server.
- Record and display HTTP, HTTPS, DNS requests from your iOS devices.
- Configure rules using domain match, domain suffix, domain keyword, CIDR IP range, and/or GeoIP lookup.
- Measure traffic usage and network speed on WiFi, cellular, direct and proxy connections.
- Imp...
Jump and fly your way through danger in this rhythm-based action platformer!
"Frustratingly wonderful" - Kotaku
"Geometry Dash provides all of the challenge expected from an “impossible” game while also making it more accessible to newcomers."
- 148Apps
"Geometry Dash is a fast-paced platformer that will leave you screaming in frustration, but you’ll keep coming back for more."
- AppAdvice
Prepare for a near impossi...
◆ 特徴
① 特殊能力でダンジョンを率いる9人の魔王!
② 3...