Doc Scanner - Document Scanner apk

Doc Scanner Android 用の

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新着情報 Doc Scanner v1.8

Document Scanner Document Scanner app for scan document anywhere Doc Scanner Doc Scanner app for easy to scan and share document Cam scanner Document Scanner for any where Document Scanner and PDF Creator app - An global scanner app that provides you with more advanced scan options compare to any other apps on the store. We provide more than 10 tools to edit and manage documents. Let us start a detailed description of the app. Sometimes in a single day you need your different documents scanned multiple times. In that situation if everything is planned you will definitely not suffer more. But if the need to scan that document arises one by one it will be a disaster for sure. To rescue you from that situation we brings you a portable Doc Scanner. This Doc scanner you let you scan your documents anytime anywhere. There are some additional features as well in the app which makes your document after scanning more professional and good to look at. Let's take a tour of that attractive features:: * Scan your document. * Enhance the scan quality automatically/Manually. * Enhancement includes smart cropping and many more. * Optimize your PDF into modes like B/W, Lighten, Color and dark. * Turn scans into clear and and sharp PDF. * Arrange your doc in folder and sub folders. * Share PDF/JPEG files. * Print and fax the scanned doc directly from the app. * Upload doc’s to the cloud like cloude. * Scan QR Code/Bar-code. * Create QR Code. * Share scanned QR Code. * Turns your old documents into a clear and sharp one by removing the noise. * Can create PDF in different sizes from A1 to A-6 and like Postcard, letter ,Note etc. Features at a glance : - Best Document Scanner - It has all of the features that a scanner should have. - Portable Document Scanner - By having this document scanner in your phone, you can save your time and efforts by quickly scanning anything on the fly. - Paper Scanner - The app offers third party cloud storage(Drive,Photos) where you can scan papers and save on cloud storage. - Best Document Scanner Lite - Scans are saved to your device in image or PDF format. - PDF Document Scanner - Scans PDF with edge detection feature additionally. - All type of Doc Scan - Scan in color, Grey, Sky Blue. - Easy Scanner - Scan and Instant print out documents in any size like A1, A2,A3,A4… etc. - Portable Scanner - The Doc scanner once installed can turn every smartphone into a portable scanners. - PDF Creator - Convert scanned images to the best quality PDF file. - QR Code Scanner - This app also have QR Code Scanner feature. - Bar-code Scanner - Another great feature Bar-code scanner is also integrated in this app. - OCR Text Recognition (Upcoming Feature in Next Update) - The OCR Text Recognition let you recognize text from images then edit texts or share text to other apps. - High Quality Scans - The scan quality is of no match, You just get your documents digitally original. - Images to PDF Converter - You can select some image from Image Gallery and convert it into a PDF file as document. - Cam Scanner - Take a picture of the whiteboard or blackboard and produce it exactly same with the help of Doc Scanner at home even if you're offline. No internet required for the app to function. - Remove grain/noise from old document/picture - Remove Noise from old image Using various advanced filter techniques and make it more clear and sharp than before. - Flashlight - This scanner app also have Flash light feature that helps you in taking scans in low-light environment. - A+ Document Scanner - This App is rated A+ by users based upon multiple ratings and reviews. any query? Contact us : [email protected]

  • 発売日: 2024-06-22
  • 現在のバージョン: 1.8
  • ファイルサイズ: 17.80 MB
  • 開発者: Radhikaben Dhanani

Doc Scanner Doc Scanner Doc Scanner Doc Scanner

Doc Scanner APK の設定方法:

APK (Android パッケージ キット) ファイルは、Android アプリの生のファイルです。4 つの簡単な手順で doc-scanner-document-scanner.apk ファイルを携帯電話にインストールする方法を学びます:

  1. ダウンロード ミラーのいずれかを使用して、doc-scanner-document-scanner .apk をデバイスにダウンロードします。
  2. デバイスでサードパーティ (Play ストア以外) アプリを許可する: メニュー » 設定 » セキュリティ » に移動します。「不明なソース」 をクリックします。ブラウザまたはファイル マネージャーによる APK のインストールを許可するよう求められます。
  3. doc-scanner-document-scanner.apk ファイルを見つけてクリックしてインストールします。画面に表示されるすべてのプロンプトを読み、それに応じて 「はい」 または「いいえ」をクリックします。
  4. インストール後、Doc Scanner アプリがデバイスのホーム画面に表示されます。

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