Strength and Conditioning Note apk

Strength and Conditioning Note Android 用の

- REQUIRES ANDROID | カテゴリ: Health & Fitness

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新着情報 Strength and Conditioning Note v1.0.0

Now tracking your improvment will be simpler than ever with this app. We built a product, that simplify tracking performance improvement to your device. Almost every athlete who makes progress on daily basis, also records his own workouts and performances. With S&C NOTE, you can do the same and have it saved on device or cloud for years. Its advantage is exercises or drills, and trainings for weight room or field as well as for different types of sports. You are going to get what you are going to create yourself or purchase, everything is up to You. The app is about four basic parts: Exercises & Drills,Trainings, Programs and Diary. EXERCISES & DRILLS - create or purchase your own items - E&D contain pictures, videos, your bests, note and brief description from purchased items - use whatever suits you TRAININGS - create training from your exercises or drills from, or create exercises and drills right into your training - mark reps, rounds, sets etc., note to your notes below exercises as well PROGRAMS - program is just ongoing item, create it from trainings - select name and duration (in weeks) and add training units - program may be inserted to next part DIARY... DIARY - denote your training day in day out - insert whole program or training - diary should be your everday partner Our effort was to build the most simple and easy-using way to note training performance. Just pick your exercises or drills and denote everything you need to become a better athlete. We are going to add regularly new exercises, drills, trainings and programs in odrer to provide wide range of choices for your satisfaction. You can sign up and save all of your data from app to cloud.

  • 発売日: 2024-08-27
  • 現在のバージョン: 1.0.0
  • ファイルサイズ: 32.72 MB
  • 開発者: Wolves

Strength and Conditioning Note Strength and Conditioning Note Strength and Conditioning Note Strength and Conditioning Note

Strength and Conditioning Note APK の設定方法:

APK (Android パッケージ キット) ファイルは、Android アプリの生のファイルです。4 つの簡単な手順で strength-and-conditioning-note.apk ファイルを携帯電話にインストールする方法を学びます:

  1. ダウンロード ミラーのいずれかを使用して、strength-and-conditioning-note .apk をデバイスにダウンロードします。
  2. デバイスでサードパーティ (Play ストア以外) アプリを許可する: メニュー » 設定 » セキュリティ » に移動します。「不明なソース」 をクリックします。ブラウザまたはファイル マネージャーによる APK のインストールを許可するよう求められます。
  3. strength-and-conditioning-note.apk ファイルを見つけてクリックしてインストールします。画面に表示されるすべてのプロンプトを読み、それに応じて 「はい」 または「いいえ」をクリックします。
  4. インストール後、Strength and Conditioning Note アプリがデバイスのホーム画面に表示されます。

Strength and Conditioning Note APK は安全ですか?

はい。Strength and Conditioning Note APK を入手するための最も安全な Apk ダウンロード ミラーを提供しています。

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Strength and Conditioning Note のようなアプリ - Strength and Conditioning Note

より多く Wolves