چه جدید در Bridge By Favorite Games v5.43.55
6 چیزهایی در مورد Bridge By Favorite Games
1. A rubber is completed when one pair becomes first to win two games, each game presenting a score of 100 or more contract points; a new game ensues until one pair has won two games to conclude the rubber.
2. Rubber bridge is a form of contract bridge played by two competing pairs using a particular method of scoring.
3. Owing to the availability of various additional bonus and penalty points in the scoring, it is possible, though less common, to win the rubber by amassing more total points despite losing two games out of three.
4. Rubber bridge involves a high degree of skill but there is also a fair amount of luck involved in who gets the best cards.
5. Each player, in turn, plays a card to the trick and they must play a card of the suit led if they have one.
6. Once the contract has been decided, the player of the winning pair who first mentioned the denomination of the contract becomes declarer.
- تاریخ انتشار: 2023-02-22
- نسخه فعلی: 5.43.55
- اندازه فایل: 26.09 MB
- توسعه دهنده: Favorite Games LTD
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