6 چیزهایی در مورد Getting into the Vortex Cards
1. Recognizing the practical results being received by themselves and by those people who were asking practical questions and then applying Abraham’s answers to their own situations, Esther and Jerry made a deliberate decision to allow the teachings of Abraham to become available to an ever-widening circle of seekers of how to live a happier life.
2. And although worldwide attention has been given to this philosophy of Well-Being by Leading Edge thinkers and teachers who have, in turn, incorporated many of Abraham’s Law of Attraction concepts into their best-selling books, scripts, lectures, and so forth, the primary spread of this material has been from person to person—as individuals begin to discover the value of this form of spiritual practicality in their personal life experiences.
3. In November 2011, Jerry made his transition into Non-Physical, and now Esther continues to conduct the Abraham workshops with the help of her physical friends and co-workers and, of course, with the Non-Physical help of Abraham and Jerry.
4. Excited about the clarity and practicality of the translated word from the Beings who call themselves Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks began disclosing their amazing Abraham experience to a handful of close business associates in 1986.
5. Using their San Antonio, Texas, conference center as their base, Jerry and Esther have traveled to approximately 50 cities a year since 1989, presenting interactive Law of Attraction workshops to those leaders who gather to participate in this expanding stream of progressive thought.
6. People are able to access Abraham directly by attending the seminars in person or by participating in the online live streaming of most events.
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