6 چیزهایی در مورد MetroLyrics
1. you can handle! Get exclusive access to the planet's largest, most concise and popular database of over a MILLION song lyrics from metrolyrics.com. More than 40 Million people come to MetroLyrics.com every month - now the fun of the world’s #1 Lyric site is available on iPhone and iPod touch.
2. · Exclusive access to over a MILLION songs from metrolyrics.com – the world’s #1 source for Lyrics.
3. Find lyrics to all your favorite songs, and use the MAP CHARTS feature (populated by users) to see the most popular songs in your city and around the globe.
4. · Find the most popular songs in your city as the charts get populated by you and your friends.
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نحوه راه اندازی MetroLyrics APK:
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