晨興聖言(Morning Revival) is a Book app by Taiwan Gospel Book Room (TWGBR). 《晨興聖言》APP係針對iPhone智慧手機、iPad平版電腦所設計的晨興聖言閱讀器,只要下載安裝本軟體,立即贈送臺灣福音書房所發行之三本晨興聖言。本APP有書報列表(可依照書名、書號排序,並具有書報搜尋、刪除功能),並具有目錄索引、繁簡切換、複製本文、快速跳頁、畫線筆記、經文查詢、經文引經(包含31,295節經文.
APK (Android Package Kit) files are the raw files of an Android app. Learn how to install 晨興聖言-morning-revival.apk file on your phone in 4 Simple Steps:
Yes. We provide some of the safest Apk download mirrors for getting the 晨興聖言(Morning Revival) apk.
晨興聖言(Morning Revival) by Taiwan Gospel Book Room (TWGBR) has a rating of 4 stars on Baixarapk and has been rated by over 9 people. The latest version of 晨興聖言(Morning Revival) is version 2.4.2 and it was last updated 4 years ago. 《晨興聖言》APP係針對iPhone智慧手機、iPad平版電腦所設計的晨興聖言閱讀器,只要下載安裝本軟體,立即贈送臺灣福音書房所發行之三本晨興聖言。本APP有書報列表(可依照書名、書號排序,並具有書報搜尋、刪除功能),並具有目錄索引、繁簡切換、複製本文、快速跳頁、畫線筆記、經文查詢、經文引經(包含31,295節經文)、查詢英文(包含8,814個中英字庫)、語音朗讀(整合賽微科技64位元引擎,需在”門市”加購朗讀套件)、門市售書(可隨時擴增新書)、提醒服務(推播)等功能。盼藉此應用程式之輔助,透過更簡單、更方便、更快速的線上購書管道,提供讀者更多機會跟上主在現今的說話。 ◎ 產品特色: - 免費贈送三本晨興聖言(包含封面、目錄、綱目、內文)。 - 具有書報列表、目錄索引、繁簡切換、複製本文、快速跳頁等功能。 - 具有畫線筆記、經文查詢、經文引經、查詢英文、語音朗讀等功能。 - 具有門市售書、分類瀏覽、書報搜尋等功能。 - 可設定五種佈景主題(包含米黃色、純白色、報紙灰、夜間黑、水藍色)。 - 可調整五種字體大小。 - 可選擇兩種字型顯示(黑體、楷體)。 - 支援直、橫向顯示。 - 支援iPhone智慧手機、iPad平版電腦。 - 支援提醒服務(推播). Download the app at 75.87 MB now. If you liked 晨興聖言(Morning Revival), you will enjoy Book apps like KJV Bible / AcroBible Suite; The Scriptures; RVA Spanish Bible (Biblia Español); Science Within; ShortBook;
Apk Mirror 1: : Download APK
目前排版與弟兄姐妹一起追求時很難跟上,並且,不應該字體大小不同而頁數不同。至少是一天一頁,方便翻閱,而不因字體大小不同而頁數不同。這次追求「4261 復活升天之基督的異象與經歷」居然最大字體是479 頁而最小字體是231頁差距。 收到回覆是「請買基本訂戶app USD49.99一年」 感覺是,「您要的是精裝版請多付錢」 😡😡😡😡😡
The rendering of pages is really too slow!!! I really wish they have a Kindle App instead. I am going back to use the paper copies until they come up with something more usable.
After installing iOS 7.1.2, the app is no longer able to connect to wifi even though there is one connected. I am frustrated with this. I even reinstall the entire Mobile and it is still not working. Can any one fixed this quick?
Yes, I wish this is free.. As God's grace is free. But thank you Lord that this is not free, as whoever can spend $400 on an Mobile should be able to afford $1.99 to support His work. Plus this is already cheaper than the paper book. Praise The Lord !