6 things about Seeing Assistant Move LITE
1. Seeing Assistant Move LITE is an application developed by Transition Technologies S.A. in order to support blind and visually impaired people in everyday life.
2. Aplikacja Seeing Assistant Move LITE jest opracowanym w Transition Technologies S.A. produktem, kt贸rego celem jest wsparcie os贸b niewidomych i s艂abowidz膮cych w codziennym 偶yciu.
3. Wersja LITE oferuje ograniczon膮 funkcjonalno艣膰 w zakresie dziennej liczby polece艅 rozpoznawania mowy, liczby zapisanych tras, liczby punkt贸w u偶ytkownika, liczby aktywnych bazy punkt贸w, monitorowania lokalizacji oraz nie posiada integracji z serwisem Dropbox.
4. LITE version provides limited functionality in terms of number of speech recognition requests per day, number of saved tracks, number of user points and active databases, monitoring localization, lack of Dropbox integration.
5. Seeing Assistant Move has been developed in close co-operation visually impaired people in order to address their needs as well as possible.
6. Seeing Assistant Move powstawa艂 przy 艣cis艂ej wsp贸艂pracy z osobami z dysfunkcj膮 wzroku, aby jak najlepiej odpowiedzie膰 na potrzeby u偶ytkownik贸w.
How to setup Seeing Assistant Move LITE APK:
APK (Android Package Kit) files are the raw files of an Android app. Learn how to install seeing-assistant-move-lite.apk file on your phone in 4 Simple Steps:
- Download the seeing-assistant-move-lite.apk to your device using any of the download mirrors.
- Allow 3rd Party (non playstore) apps on your device: Go to Menu 禄 Settings 禄 Security 禄 . Click "Unknown Sources". You will be prompted to allow your browser or file manager to install APKs.
- Locate the seeing-assistant-move-lite.apk file and click to Install: Read all on-screen prompts and click "Yes" or "No" accordingly.
- After installation, the Seeing Assistant Move LITE app will appear on the home screen of your device.
Is Seeing Assistant Move LITE APK Safe?
Yes. We provide some of the safest Apk download mirrors for getting the Seeing Assistant Move LITE apk.