Yard Planner apk

Yard Planner Android 用の

- REQUIRES ANDROID | カテゴリ: Lifestyle

評価 3.41892 から 370 投票 | $ $2.99

新着情報 Yard Planner v3.6.2

YARD PLANNER is a simple drag-and-drop 2D landscape design app with all the tools you need to mock up your property, create new designs, and share them with friends and family. YARD PLANNER is ideal for homeowners who want to try out fresh ideas for their yard. Useful for landscape professionals to share designs with clients and contractors. Also perfect for children and adults alike to exercise their imagination and creativity! Use YARD PLANNER to select and place over 800 beautiful hand-drawn elements including trees, gardens, pools, patios, hammocks, driveways, houses and sheds, solar panels, and just about anything you might want for your property–even parties and weddings! Features include: • Sample designs to inspire or get you started • Simple drag-and-drop functionality • 34 palettes (800+ hand-drawn elements) to create your landscape design layout • Resize, Rotate, Undo/Redo, Duplicate, Flip, Group • Rotate elements with “Snap to 90” or turn off to rotate more precisely • Snap to grid (elements stick to a re-sizeable grid of guidelines, turn on/off in Settings) • Rulers (visible at edges of design; zoom in to the single unit; user selects feet/meters; can be turned on/off) • Choose from 15 different background colors • Sketch Tool (allows users to draw garden beds and other free-form shapes with an eraser and brushes of different colors, widths and opacity) • Map Tool (This highly accurate mapping tool based on Google Maps allows you to drop pins at the corners of your property and import the map image with measurements into the app as a background.) • North arrow (appears with Map Tool) • Site Analysis palettes to mark the locations of your site’s utilities and light and moisture conditions • Notes (allows users to tag elements in their designs with typed comments or descriptions) • Light/Dark mode (changes Note tags and North arrow from white to black for visibility against light backgrounds.) • Animated Figures (a palette of animated elements—a person, dog, cat, bird, and car—that move through your design on a looped or repeating path, adjustable speed, play and stop animation) • Import a Photo as a background (useful for importing a digital image of your property plan) • Create different Layers of elements in your design. Add, delete, rename layers, make each layer visible/invisible, lock/unlock for editing, and reorder layer position. • In-app step-by-step guide to creating your Property Plan. • Designs automatically save to the app’s Saved Designs gallery • Share designs on social media • Email an editable design so friends can edit one another’s designs and email them back and forth ***As featured in The New York Times, Fox News, USA Today, Gardenista, and more. “Home Outside allows you to create intricate and varied landscapes…And when you’re finished designing your yard or indulging in a little dreamscaping, you can email results to friend.” –Kate Murphy, The New York Times “The app gives you drag and drop tools to create a garden design idiosyncratic to your garden [and] allows you to choose hardscape materials, design paths and patios, and arrange furniture in your outdoor space.” –Dalilah Arja, Gardenista “I can’t imagine a designer who wouldn’t want to have this on their phone or tablet. I’ve tried this app … it’s a great tool for a ‘quickie’ design that you can show clients … and then refine as you like.” –Jane Berger, Garden Design Online

  • 発売日: 2024-09-08
  • 現在のバージョン: 3.6.2
  • ファイルサイズ: 878.49 MB
  • 開発者: Home Outside, Inc.

Yard Planner Yard Planner Yard Planner Yard Planner

Yard Planner APK の設定方法:

APK (Android パッケージ キット) ファイルは、Android アプリの生のファイルです。4 つの簡単な手順で yard-planner.apk ファイルを携帯電話にインストールする方法を学びます:

  1. ダウンロード ミラーのいずれかを使用して、yard-planner .apk をデバイスにダウンロードします。
  2. デバイスでサードパーティ (Play ストア以外) アプリを許可する: メニュー » 設定 » セキュリティ » に移動します。「不明なソース」 をクリックします。ブラウザまたはファイル マネージャーによる APK のインストールを許可するよう求められます。
  3. yard-planner.apk ファイルを見つけてクリックしてインストールします。画面に表示されるすべてのプロンプトを読み、それに応じて 「はい」 または「いいえ」をクリックします。
  4. インストール後、Yard Planner アプリがデバイスのホーム画面に表示されます。

Yard Planner APK は安全ですか?

はい。Yard Planner APK を入手するための最も安全な Apk ダウンロード ミラーを提供しています。

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Yard Planner のようなアプリ - Yard Planner

より多く Home Outside, Inc.