The Super Challenge Grade 2 apk

The Super Challenge Grade 2 Android 用の

- REQUIRES ANDROID | カテゴリ: Education

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新着情報 The Super Challenge Grade 2 v4.1

Teacher Feedback: “The best teaching aid on the market today. Fun and easy for kids to understand and builds their confidence!” “The most relevant and meaningful student learning that I have ever seen in my teaching career!” The best math learning app with fun & engaging challenges for students. Work through all 9 challenges and qualify for the Genius Certificate! This innovative app will build your child or students mathematics confidence and willingness to learn. Making mathematics more understandable for all levels of ability. FOR PARENTS The Super Challenge games are designed by teachers for the classroom, we focus on what needs to be learnt, plus areas that students struggle with the most. You can rest assured students are learning the same concepts as in the classroom. The Super Challenge games help children understand mathematics, building their confidence along the way. One of the most important steps is to change the negative mind-set most students have from a young age; The Super Challenge helps to relieve the fear and allows students to build self-confidence. The Super Challenge games are aligned with the mathematics curriculums of Australia, the U.S.A., Canada and England. FOR TEACHERS We have paid particular attention to what engages students and how mathematics is best presented to make it more understandable. By using exciting scenarios relevant and interesting to the specific age group. All games are designed specifically to suit the current math curriculums of Australia, USA, Canada & England. EDUCATIONAL CONTENT AND CURRICULUM SPECIFICS Suits Ages: 7 – 8 years old. Designed for: Grade 2 students in Australia, Canada, the U.S.A., and Year 3 students in England. All of our games are designed specifically to suit the Mathematics Curriculums of Australia, Canada, England and the U.S.A. Designed from the Australian Mathematics Curriculum. Challenge 1: Identifying and interpreting common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections. Relating the number of parts to the size of a fraction. Challenge 2: Exploring the connection between addition and subtraction. Solving simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies. Challenge 3: Tell time to the half-hour. This game is a good gauge of the level of a student’s ability to read time as it uses both analogue and digital clocks. Challenge 4: Tell time to the quarter-hour, using the language of 'past' and 'to’. (Focusing on matching ANALOGUE clocks to DIGITAL clocks.) Challenge 5: Identifying and describing half and quarter turns. It introduces the characteristics of quarter-past and half-past times on an analogue clock. and “clockwise” and “anticlockwise”. Challenge 6: Learning how to multiply. It easy to understand as it presents multiplication it in a very clear and practical way. Challenge 7: Helping students learn about three-digit numbers. Grouping, partitioning and rearranging collections up to 500, in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting. Challenge 8: Helping students learn how to add and subtract. Exploring the connection between addition and subtraction. Solving simple addition and subtraction problems. Challenge 9: Describing two-dimensional shapes. Identifying key features of squares, rectangles, triangles, kites, rhombuses and circles, such as straight lines or curved lines, and counting the edges and corners.Describing the features of three-dimensional objects. Identifying geometric features such as the number of faces, corners or edges. SAFE, AD-FREE ENVIRONMENT 100% safe for kids. There are no advertisements and we do not track usage of our app. No advertising No external links No sharing of data We make learning mathematics affordable for all. So let’s start your child or student on their confidence building experience now.

  • 発売日: 2023-02-28
  • 現在のバージョン: 4.1
  • ファイルサイズ: 346.19 MB
  • 開発者: The Super Challenge

The Super Challenge Grade 2 APK の設定方法:

APK (Android パッケージ キット) ファイルは、Android アプリの生のファイルです。4 つの簡単な手順で the-super-challenge-grade-2.apk ファイルを携帯電話にインストールする方法を学びます:

  1. ダウンロード ミラーのいずれかを使用して、the-super-challenge-grade-2 .apk をデバイスにダウンロードします。
  2. デバイスでサードパーティ (Play ストア以外) アプリを許可する: メニュー » 設定 » セキュリティ » に移動します。「不明なソース」 をクリックします。ブラウザまたはファイル マネージャーによる APK のインストールを許可するよう求められます。
  3. the-super-challenge-grade-2.apk ファイルを見つけてクリックしてインストールします。画面に表示されるすべてのプロンプトを読み、それに応じて 「はい」 または「いいえ」をクリックします。
  4. インストール後、The Super Challenge Grade 2 アプリがデバイスのホーム画面に表示されます。

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